Welcome to the Danescourt Community Association website
Cardiff Council App PDF Print E-mail

Cardiff Council has launched the Cardiff Gov App. It allows you to report fly-tipping as well as checking on your own (and others’) waste collections (for weeks ahead) and check your Council Tax account.

Visit this page on the council website to find out more.

Improvements to Play Area PDF Print E-mail

Following a meeting between local councillor Sean Driscoll and officials from Cardiff Council we can report that repairs to the fence around the play area on Danescourt Way/Mathew Walk are imminent and that further improvements can be expected later this year.  "The panels required to complete the perimeter fence line are in our depot and will be installed shortly and as soon as the ground has dried out  / is accessible by vehicles."

However we will have to wait for gate to be replaced, "owing to pressures on the revenue budget for playground equipment, it is unlikely that this will be replaced in this financial year, we would however look to install early in 18/19. As a temporary measure we will bridge the gap between the galvanised gate post and end wooden upright."

It's not just the fence and the gate that will see improvements "we anticipate replacing the cradle swings that nearing end of life and the four seat swing , which is also nearing end of life with a one basket, two flat seat combination swing unit early in the new financial year."

DCA 2017 AGM PDF Print E-mail

The Danescourt Community Association AGM was held 27th March 2017 at St John's Church Hall.  The minutes are reproduced below

Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 August 2017 20:13
Cardiff Council Guilty of Maladministration? PDF Print E-mail

Danescourt Community Association believes that Cardiff Council could be guilty of maladministation due to it's handling of the Local Development Plan and the proposals to build some 10,000 new dwellings in North West Cardiff on 3 large sites.

DCA Chair Edgar Gibbs and Vice Chair Stewart Burgess have written to the council and to First Minister Carwyn Jones to lodge a formal complaint concerning the following

a.   The significant lack of professionalism and the mismanagement of public finances by Cardiff Council over the LDP and the strategic sites in North West Cardiff.

b.   That major improvements to the transport networks and other infrastructure in and around Cardiff will be required following the adoption of the LDP but that these will now have to be funded from the public purse rather than via S.106 or CIL and not at the direct expense of the developer.

c.   The refusal of the members of the Planning Committee to view the traffic problems already being experienced on Llantrisant Road.

d.   The failure of Cardiff Council to ensure that development is for the good of all, not just the developer.

e.   The failure of Cardiff Council to comply with the spirit of S.16 of the Traffic Management Act 2004.

f.   That Cardiff Council has wasted several rare opportunities to secure significant finances for the benefit of the public.

g.   The failure of Cardiff Council to comply with the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.  


You can read the full letters setting out why the council's action could amount to maladministration by clicking on the following links; Letter Carwyn Jones, Letter to Cardiff Council

PACT PDF Print E-mail

Partnerships and Communities Together (PACT)

PACT meetings are a chance for members of the public to be able to speak to their local PCSOs, police officers and councillors and raise any concerns they may have.

Some examples of the concerns that have been raised have been problem parking in specific areas at specific times and anti-social behaviour at specific locations. Sometimes concerns are raised such as graffiti and the local councillors make a note of this to action it from a council perspective.

The meetings are very informal and are treated as an opportunity to communicate with members of our community who might not necessarily call the police to report things.

The South Wales Police Website website has more information about policing in Danescourt. If you have any questions about PACT then you can contact our local police officers via the South Wales Police website, although if you wish to report incidents, you still need to call this through to 101 (non-emergency) or 999 (emergency).

Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 August 2018 19:39

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