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Coed Caerdydd is Coming to Danescourt PDF Print E-mail

Coed Caerdydd is a 10 year programme to increase the number of trees in Cardiff, supporting the city’s One Planet climate change strategy

As part of this there will be tree planting events taking place in Danescourt as follows;


Timothy Rees Close and Jevan Close Fri, 18 November 2022, 11:30 – 14:00 GMT

Danescourt Play Area to Matthew Walk Thu, 9 February 2023, 10:00 – 12:30 GMT

Beale Close open space Thu, 9 February 2023, 13:00 – 14:30 GMT


More details of each event can be found by clicking the links above.

See details of all the planned tree planting events across Cardiff, click here

Garden Waste Collections PDF Print E-mail

We have had the following message from Mattt Wkelam, Assitant Director Street Scene, Cardiff Counci regarding garden waste collections over winter,

"As winter approaches, growth naturally slows, and the tonnages available become significantly less, making operating garden waste collections very inefficient and yielding very little in terms of tonnages for composting. Indeed, garden waste collections are not a statutory service, and many Local Authorities either cease collection during the winter period and/or charge for garden waste collections.

Should you generate garden waste over the winter period, there are a number of options available to you:

  • Garden waste can be taken to your local Household Waste Recycling Centre.
  • Home composting. Leafmould makes a great soil conditioner for gardens and can be made easily using a bin liner loosely tied and pierced with a garden fork. More information on home composting and leafmould can be found on the internet.
  • As the material is not hazardous, it can be kept in the garden waste bins (or another area of the garden) and can be presented on the kerbside in March when the service resumes.

We hope that you will understand the reasons for suspension of the service and can find alternative ways for dealing with this material. We will be having a collection of Christmas Trees after the Christmas period."

Timothy Rees Close Burglary PDF Print E-mail

PCSO Kylie Barclay has sent us the following message:

Just to bring to your attention a burglary which took place on Timothy Rees Close and also a number of reports of vehicle interference (Trying car door handles etc)

We have conducted a letter / reassurance On Timothy Rees close and all streets branching off.

If you are able to share with any key contacts you have in the Danescourt area in relation to keeping vehicles secure, valuables on show.. etc! 

New Kerbside Sort Vehicles Coming PDF Print E-mail

Cardiff Council's first fleet of kerbside sort vehicles will commence services on 29th November 2022.   The vehicle will be similar to the one below but we will be a green vehicle with Cardiff livery.  The council is working to ensure this fleet continues to roll out across Cardiff over the coming years.

Example of new kerb side sort vehicle

Last Updated on Friday, 17 February 2023 09:39
Response to Cardiff Replacement Local Development Plan PDF Print E-mail

The North West Cardiff Group which represents local community groups in Creigiau, Danescourt, Gwaelod y Garth, Llandaff, Pentyrch, Radyr & Morganstown and St Fagans has recently written to the Head of Planning at Cardiff Council concerning the Cardiff Replacement Local Development Plan and the Taff River Corridor.  The text of the letter is reproduced below.


Dear Mr Simon Gilbert,

Cardiff Replacement Local Development Plan


Taff River Corridor


I write as Chair of the North West Cardiff Group which represents the interests of the residents of Creigiau, Pentyrch, Gwaelod y Garth, Morganstown, Radyr, St. Fagans, Danescourt and Llandaff, some 24,000 people. Group membership comprises all the Community Councils of the above areas together with representatives from the Radyr and Morganstown Association, the Danescourt Community Association, the Llandaff Society and the Cardiff Civic Society. 


Request for a policy presumption against development in the Taff River Corridor in the RLDP

The  NWCG, together with the Danescourt Community Association, the Radyr and Morganstown Association, the Llandaff Society and Cardiff Civic Society all propose that there should be a presumption against development for the whole area between De Braose Close, the railway line, Radyr Court Road and Danescourt, together with the green areas adjacent to Radyr Court Close declared  in the RLDP. The Save Our Woods Group is also in full support of this request.

The reason for this is that the whole area is located within the Taff River Corridor and is shown as such within the LDP. The paths through the woods provide links to the parkland to the south and the well used woodland paths to the north through Radyr Woods and they form part of the scheme to recreate the historical Penrhys Pilgrimage Way between Llandaff Cathedral and Penrhys that the Council supports and promotes. 

The whole of these areas have been available for the recreational use of the Danescourt community and the Radyr Court Close community since the development of these areas n the late 70s/early 80s, an uninterrupted  period of over 40 years. Their loss now would be not just a considerable blow but also a significant reduction in the leisure facilities available to both these and adjoining communities.  

The policies designed “to protect” the Taff River Corridor within the LDP – KP16(iii) and EN4 -  appear to be meaningless however because for the last two and a half years the Council’s Planners have been considering a Planning Application (20/00187/MJR) for the development of part of this land. Over 500 written objections to this application for development have already been submitted and there is a petition containing more than 2,000 signatures against it. If the designation of River Corridor was to have any significance, this application for planning should have been rejected on its receipt.

In addition, the Wales and West Housing Association has recently consulted regarding a proposal to erect 14 dwellings on the land adjacent to Radyr Court Close as required by the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2012 Part 1A. If this proposal is submitted to the Council as a planning application, it must also be rejected on its receipt.

Other considerations are:

(i) These areas are already in the LDP as part of the Taff Green corridor, 

(ii) the woodland forms a wild life corridor that could be enhanced by sensitive planting/management in which the community could be active players.

(iii) it is currently available as a local woodland to the residents of Danescourt and Riversdale and the loss of it would cause considerable local disquiet and protest.

(iv)  the flat grassed area not currently wooded could either become a site for tree planting or could be used by residents as an informal play or sports use area. It could also be used to replace the loss of the recently named "Radyr Vale Park" within which the highway drainage attainment ponds are currently being constructed. Given that the ponds are being constructed using S.278 of the Highways Act 1980, this land can no longer be considered to be parkland but rather should be considered to be a part of the highway network, albeit I am advised that Cardiff's Parks Service will maintain its soft landscaping. 

(v) It could also usefully be considered to form an important part of Cardiff Council's Coed Caerdydd scheme.

(vi) the loss of the grassed areas adjacent to Radyr Court Close would also cause local disquiet and protest, and

(vii) for all the above, the protection from development of both these areas in the RLDP would be in line with the Council's duty to promote the health and well-being of its citizens.


Stewart M Burgess

Chair, North West Cardiff Group


October 2022

Last Updated on Tuesday, 18 October 2022 19:40

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